This a monthly Cover Photo Competition for members of my World of Bird Photography Facebook group. The winning photograph will be displayed as the cover photo for the group for the month following the competition and from time to time there may be additional prizes.
Entry Rules:
You must be a member of the my World of Bird Photography Facebook group. Use this link to join: World of Bird Photography
You may enter 2 images each month. If you post more, we will enter the first two only.
Only images that have received 100 likes on the group page and that have been posted in the month of the competition may be entered and you can only enter an image once into the monthly competitions.
To enter an image, please fully complete the form below and submit a JPEG image of no more than 2048 pixels along its longest edge or 2MB in size .
I will endeavour to start each monthly competition on the fifth day of the month. The start of a contest will be announced in the Facebook group
Every contest will run for an entire month and entries can be made up until the last second of a month.
Voting will start at the end of the month, when announced in the Facebook group, and will continue for at least 4 days.
The winner will be announced in the World of Bird Photography group as soon as the votes have been counted.
The Winning photograph will become the cover photo for the group for the remainder of the month and until the winner of the following month’s contest is announced.
Voting begins when announced in the World of Bird Photography Facebook group, this will likely be on the first day of the month following the competition.
Please only vote once and for one image using the form provided when voting is opened.
You are not allowed to vote for your own image and it’s common courtesy to vote if you have entered an image.
Please vote even if you have not entered one of your own images.
I reserve the right to add and amend the competition rules at any point.
November Winner: Phil Gower
Image Entry Form
December 2021 Entries
Entry 1: Goshawk by Chris Reid - Sony A9 = FE 200-600mm - f6.3, 1/25 sec, ISO 2500
Entry 2: Hawfinch by Neil Cowley - Sony A1 + 200-600mm